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  • Writer's pictureMegan Frederick

My favorite three photos taken this year

Through out the 2020-2021 school year, the students in Mr. Phun's class were given the opportunity to experience the art of photography. Out of all the assignments given, these were my favorites.


Levitation: Holding on by a leaf

To create this picture I had to take two separate shots and mold them together. The first was of a blank background and the second is of the person standing on a chair. In order to create the floating affect, I layered the two photos together, the background first and the chair on top. Then, I simply erased the top layer's chair, creating the levitation affect.

I like this picture because it reminds me of the calm scenes in movies of someone reaching up to grad a flower or fruit off a tree.

Two ways I could improve this picture is erase better so that the person's foot isn't cut out, and get closer to the subject.

Forced Perspective

Forced Perspective: Shoe Balloons?

In order to take this picture, a friend held these shoes from the laces like regular. In order to create the floating affect, I used photoshop to flip the picture upside down creating the illusion that the shoes are floating.

I like this picture, because it's really interesting to look at, and shoe balloons would be cool to have.

Two ways I could improve this picture is getting an even more plain background, or a sky background, and having the person hold the strings more downwards in order to sell the look more.

High Shutter Speed

High Shutter Speed: That's a little too much

As the name suggests, in order to capture this picture, I had to use a high shutter speed. With help, I poured water into a cup while taking the picture. The high shutter speed allows a person to take pictures of fast moving objects.

I like this picture because though the splash isn't the best, it was caught at just the right moment and looks clean and crisp.

Two ways I could improve this picture is by using a better background and trying for a cleaner splash.

Photo Student Works:

This picture was taken by Johannah Comer. I like this picture because it captures the whole of the cove around her. It really presents the scenery well, and creates an aesthetically pleasing sight. I personally like going to places like this and looking out, so that is another reason why I appreciate this picture so much.

Trapped Dog

I like the use of framing in this photo, it's very crisp and nice to look at. The dog's expression sells the thought that he is inside the frame considering they are looking right at the camera. Photo taken by Megan Bermudo.

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