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  • Writer's pictureMegan Frederick

Spring Break 2021

March 28 - April 2

Throughout the 2021 Spring Break, I was unable to take many pictures due to the many basketball practices I had throughout the week. Though other than that i was able to go to the San Diego Safari Park, and celebrate Ressurection Sunday with my family. I love taking pictures with the family DSLR but unfortunately, I did not get the chance to go out and do so.


San Diego Safari Park

The park was quite crowded. Many families were there looking at tigers, condors, lions, and many other animals.

The park had COVID restrictions and precautions alloting space between parties, and requiring masks.

It was nice to be able to expeirence something so normal, or as normal as possible. Even with the masks and precautions, not much changed at the park, and I appreciated how much effort was put into planning re opening with the pandemic situation.


It was quite hot that day. So getting into the shade was a must whilst walking around.

Seeing all the animals was very interesting and entertaining in some ways. The bird to the right kept picking at its feathers, though it was too pretty to pass up a picture.

I spent a good three or four minutes to get a picture only to have one good shot at the end. It's not my best, but considering the circumstances it's better than some.


Ressurection Sunday

Also known as Easter Sunday, my family and I celebrated the ressurection of Jesus Christ with my family. We were able to talk and have fun, and also create a lot of fun memories.

My family and I took a photo in front of the greenery at my church. Unfortunately this was at a poor time of day, resulting in bad lighting and many shadows. On the other hand, all of our outfits were color coordinating, so that is very pleasing to the eye.

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